Your satisfaction is our priority. Check our FAQ for answers to your questions.
Still need help?
- Questions about Keto?
- Delivery Issues?
- Any other Enquiries
You can contact us by sending us an enquiry via Contact Us form or via WhatsApp.
Frequently Asked Questions
When are my meals delivered?
We deliver your meals on every Tuesday and Friday. Tuesday delivery is for Wed/Thurs/Fri’s Lunch and Dinner. And Friday delivery is for Sat/Mon/Tues’s Lunch and Dinner. Our meals cover 6 days a week.
We have 2 delivery times – DAY (10.30am-2.30pm) and NIGHT (4.30-8.30pm). Please ensure that there is someone to receive the meals. If there’s no one at home, we can drop the box at the door but the meals need to be placed in the fridge within 3-4 hours of delivery to ensure freshness.
We will endeavour to deliver within the time window. However, please give 30 minutes grace periods before and after the indicated time windows as there may be unforeseen circumstances such as traffic or weather conditions.
How soon can I get my first order?
We would love to deliver your order as soon as we can. Once you have placed your order, our friendly Customer Support team will contact you to inform you on the delivery date, based on the cut-off time in our system.
What is the cut-off date and time for my orders?
If you submit your order before Monday 23.59pm, the delivery will start on Friday on the same week. If you submit your order after Monday 23.59pm, the delivery will start on the next Tuesday.
If you submit your order before Thursday 23.59pm, the delivery will start on the next Tuesday. If you submit your order after Thursday 23.59pm, the delivery will start on the next Friday.
This cut-off time is the same timing for any request for any changes/suspension of your meals.
How do I renew or continue my subscription?
It is auto-renewal unless you cancel your order before the cut-off date and time.
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
Yes you can. Just cancel on your Account page. If you need to take a break from our delicious meals or you are going for a long vacation, you can cancel your order before the billing date of your next subscription. However, the existing meals will still be sent to you.
Do note that you need to cancel the subscription before the next billing date in order to avoid being charged the renewal.
Can I suspend my delivery if I am travelling for a few days?
Yes, we can hold delivery of meals if you have to miss a few deliveries. Just click on suspend on your Account. When you are ready to resume, please reactivate your plan.
However, you need to suspend before the cut off date for the next meals i.e Tues noon for Friday delivery and Friday noon for Tuesday delivery, failing which, the meals will be prepared and delivered.
How can I upgrade my meal subscription plan?
You may upgrade to a longer plan to continue to enjoy the health benefits from our keto meals and for cost savings. Our Customer Support will be able to assist you.
Can I order your meals for my party or event?
Please contact our Customer Support if you wish to order our food for your private or corporate parties.
How do I feedback on my orders?
We welcome your feedback on our meals/orders as we strive to continuously improve on our food quality and customer service. Our existence depends on you, and we will appreciate your feeback and support. Reach out to us by email:
For Online Meal Orders
Daily: 24 hours
For Customer Support
Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday: 9am to 1pm
Sunday/Public Holiday: OFF DAY (We will get back to you on the next working day)
Delivery Service
Tuesdays and Fridays
Day delivery – 10:30am-2:30pm
Night delivery – 4:30-8:30 pm
For Keto Diet Enquiries
You may send your enquiries to the Keto East West group in Facebook, which is managed by Ms Kelly Tan Peterson, our Ketomei advisor and keto expert.