Sautéed taco minced beef with roasted zucchini, baked button mushrooms, Konjac noodles, cheddar cheese, and parmesan cheese.
Showing 493–498 of 606 results
Sautéed taco minced beef with roasted zucchini, baked button mushrooms, Konjac noodles, cheddar cheese, and parmesan cheese.
Baked marinated chicken with cajun cauliflower, grilled zucchini, roasted asparagus, cherry tomato, and a lemon wedge.
Baked taco spiced chicken leg with balsamico button mushrooms, roasted zucchini, broccoli mashed bacon and a lemon wedge.
Fat: 86.2g, Protein: 53.2g, Net Carbs: 9.1g, Total Carbs: 14.8g, Calories: 1030Kcals
Broccoli, Shiitake, Taiwanese style pickled cabbage
Nutrition Fact: Calories: 863
Fat:69.6g, Protein:42.2g, Total Carbs:21.6g, Net Carbs:10.6g
Taiwanese lor bak with braised egg, mushrooms, garlic bok choy, and fried cauliflower rice.
cumin spiced green bean, cauliflower, cucumber tzatziki, lemon wedge
Fat 47.3g, Protein 37.7g, Net Carbs 8.8g, Total Carb 15g, 637 Kcal