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[name] => Galaxy by Rejuva
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[description] => Galaxy High-Impact Blend is a 100% natural dietary supplement crafted with a powerful combination of superfruits, superfoods, and probiotics. Designed to support overall wellness, Galaxy helps fill the nutritional gaps in your diet while boosting energy, enhancing digestion, and strengthening immunity.
Key Features:
- Rich in Antioxidants: Fights free radicals to protect your cells.
- Supports Healthy Blood Sugar Levels: Promotes metabolic balance.
- Boosts Energy and Stamina: Fuels your body for an active lifestyle.
- Improves Digestive Health: Probiotics and enzymes promote gut balance.
- Strengthens Immunity: Packed with immune-supporting ingredients.
- Reduces Inflammation: Soothes discomfort and promotes mobility.
With its unique blend of scientifically chosen ingredients, Galaxy goes beyond basic supplements by addressing common health concerns such as low energy, poor digestion, and inflammation.
Galaxy Proprietary Blend:
- Water
- Acai Puree
- White Grape
- Pineapple Puree
- Pomegranate
- Red Raspberry
- Aronia
- Red Grape
- Cranberry
- Elderberry
- Plum
- Acerola Juice Concentrates
- Natural Flavor
- Mangosteen (fruit)
- Goji (fruit)
Proprietary Food Blend:
- Barley Grass (leaf)
- Buckwheat (fruit)
- Flax (seed)
- Alfalfa (aerial parts)
- Soybean (seed) Extract (Isoflavones)
- Wheat Grass (aerial parts)
- Cayenne Peppers (fruit)
- Garlic (bulb) Extract
Proprietary Antioxidant blend
- Pineapple Syrup
- Chicory Root
- Green Tea (leaf) Extract (EGCG)
- Ascorbic Acid
- Citric Acid
- Alpha-Lipoic Acid
- DMAE Bitartrate
- Acai (fruit)
- Coenzyme Q10
- Lactobacillus acidophilus
Other Ingredients:
- Potassium Sorbate
- Sodium Benzoate
- Xanthan Gum
[short_description] =>
Galaxy by Rejuva is an antioxidant fruit juice, 100% natural supplement crafted with superfruits, superfoods, and probiotics to support overall wellness. It boosts energy, enhances digestion, strengthens immunity, and reduces inflammation—all in an easy-to-use daily formula. Transform your health with every drop.
We’ve teamed up with Rejuva’s Galaxy, a refreshing antioxidant drink, to bring you the perfect combo of health and wellness. Just one shot per day is all you need—one bottle lasts a whole month. Feel refreshed, energized, and ready to thrive.
Learn more about our collaboration
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